All children take part in Religious Education. We follow the Buckinghamshire syllabus in partnership with the Diocese of Oxford, which includes studies of other world religions, specifically Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. At St Mary’s, we do not simply teach knowledge about culture and religion, but aim to foster a deeper understanding of different faiths. Through our teaching, we believe our children value this greater understanding and are able to show empathy about other people’s beliefs.
Whole school acts of Collective Worship are held at the beginning of each new school day and are an important time for the whole school community to come together, setting the tone for our daily life. The Rector and other St Mary’s Church groups regularly lead worship. Children in Years 3-6 lead services at St Mary’s Church at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and at the end of the academic year.
Other arrangements can be made, in discussion with the Headteacher, for the withdrawal of those children, whose parents request exclusion on religious grounds, from either Collective Worship and/or religious events.