150 Years

St Mary'sC of E Primary SchoolA community of courage, respect and opportunities


Welcome toSt Mary's C of E Primary School A community of courage, respect and opportunities



Please contact external clubs directly using the flyers sent via Parentmail


Our club providers are ready to take bookings for next term. Please have a look at the Spring Clubs Overview to see information about the year groups each club is offered to and the days they will run. Flyers for all clubs with booking information and contact details will follow in further emails. 


Please also note that children attending clubs from Years 1 and 2 will be supervised by the club leader from the end of school if the club begins at 3.30pm.


As usual, please can you make a  careful note of the dates on the flyers, particularly the last session date.


If you have any questions about the clubs, please contact the provider directly using the contact details given on the flyers. It is also really important that you inform them of the best telephone number to contact you on, should they need to cancel a club for any reason. Any cancellations will come directly from the provider.

Spring Term Club Overview

External Providers
